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  • Writer's pictureTina

The Pampered Pups Behind the Name

Updated: Jul 26, 2020

The adventures of a Saint Bernard and a Peke-a-poo.

Marsha joined our family in 2007 as an eight week old, three pound adorable little monster. The boys absolutely adored her, and sometimes in her need to escape them, she would curl up in my husband's shoe to take a nap.  She was a sneaky thief, and would hoard one of each of our shoes in her bed, or under the sofa, or wherever she felt the need to hide them.  It would sometimes take the entire family on search alert to find our shoes so we could venture out of the house.  Marsha was supposed to be my fluffy female baby in a house filled with testosterone, but somehow, she didn't have the same plans.  She ripped the bows out of her fur, and still can belch louder than the boys.  I have been able to slip a pink hoodie on her here and there, though, because she gets cold and doesn't know the difference.

Moose came to us in 2012.  I was bound and determined that I wanted a Saint Bernard - a giant ball of fluff and dribble - to round out our house.  I dragged my husband from shelter to shelter to look at the few Saints I could find - sometimes driving hours to reach the shelter that rescued one.  I finally found Moose, an 8 week old puppy, and I scooped him up and brought him home.  He was the same size as Marsha, but quickly doubled, then tripled, then quadrupled her size.  She didn't care how big he got, she bossed him around anyway.  

Moose liked to eat things. Here and there, he would stop playing and throw up a sock, or a pair of underwear, or some other clothing item the boys would stash under couch cushions or their beds.  At a little over a year old he became very sick.  We rushed him to the emergency vet where we realized he swallowed a paintbrush that I had tossed in the trash after painting trim on a doorway.  He almost didn't make it and even after surgery it was touch and go for a bit.  Thankfully, he's still with us, and has since been dubbed Miracle Moose.  

The boys are all getting ready to go back to college now, and my pups are old and not as active anymore.  And so, Moose and Marsha Candle Company is born, and we enter into a brand new chapter for us and our pups.

Thank you for lifting off on this new adventure with us! We're glad you are here!

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